Many Long-COVID Patients are suffering

  • Many people who were infected with the COVID-19 are reportedly having chronic symptoms, such as the dizziness, brain fog, short of breath, etc.
  • Some of the reasons for the symptoms are unclear. And patients sometimes are disbelieved. So the doctors just gave some kind explanations to the patients, like insomnia, fatigue, etc to reassure them.
  • Doctors, with extremely tension and fatigue, especially those who have experienced the ICU, after intermittently waves of infections, are tend to give such diagnosis.
  • Patients with these symptoms are being referred as long haulers, as their suffer is likely to persist into the future.
  • Research shows that those who contracted the illness but only with mild or moderate symptoms initially, are likely to become the long haulers. A self-report organization is collecting the data from the patients' descriptions, and is planning to dig into it.
  • Ref: The Problem of ‘Long Haul’ COVID

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